♥ BibleLoveNotes.com ♥

Devotions and Bible studies. All posts must come from a Bible-believing, Christian world view. NO SALES, exercise, diet or fashion posts. No LDS or Jehovah Witness contributors or pins.
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7 Weapons for Spiritual Warfare – FREE PRINTABLE!
The Bible tells us that the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God. Here are seven weapons for spiritual warfare available to every Christian. #spiritualwarfare #prayer #BibleReading #worship #ChristianLiving
Origin of Valentine's Day
3 possible Christian stories behind Valentines Day and 3 Ideas for making it a Christ-centered holiday.
10 Bible Study Hacks for New Christians
Bible study can seem impossible and intimidating for new Christians, but it doesn't have to be. Here are 10 hacks to help you get started and succeed. #alittlerandr #bible #OnlineBibleStudy #BibleStudyforWomen #Podcasts #journals #artjournaling
10 Steps to an Effective Quiet Time
An effective quiet time is essential for Christian growth and maturity. Find out how you can have an effective quiet time each day. #prayer #warroom #warrior #Bible #God #Jesus #momlife #mom #quiettime #SOAK #biblejournaling #biblestudy
Pursue Peace and Build Up Others!
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:9-12
4 Smart Quiet Time Tips For the Easily Distracted
If you tend to get distracted while doing your quiet time, here are 4 things you can do to keep yourself focused while reading and praying. #quiettimes #biblestudyhacks #Biblestudy #prayer
Which Jesus Do You Worship?
To answer the question, "Which Jesus do you worship", we must first ask if our image of Jesus is accurate or distorted. #Foundational #worship #Jesus
This Important Truth Helped Me Live the Incomparable Life
Even though I was a Christian, I still wasn't living a victorious life. This truth is what helped me live an incomparable life beyond measure.
What is the Foundation Stone of True Faith? – Foundational U Podcast Ep. 100
There is a foundation stone for truth that is so solid that we can know the truth and it can make us free. What is that foundation stone of truth that leads us to a solid, unshakable faith? I reveal it in my latest podcast episode.
How To Create Simple Lettering for Beginners – A Little R & R
Would you like to begin Bible art journaling with pretty letter writing, but are unsure how to begin, here is a tutorial on simple lettering for beginners. #alittlerandr #bibleartjournaling #artjournaling #warrroom #quiettime #quiettimejournaling
Long Shortcuts -Matthew 7:13
Adam and Eve were the first to take a "long shortcut." This 1-minute devotion explains how we can fall into the same trap. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
"Bitter" is a Bad Name
Naomi provides an interesting look at Bitterness. This 1-minute devotion explains.
The Freedom of Loving Your Enemies
This true story of loving enemies will inspire and encourage you.
Aceptando la corrección - 10 Pasajes de las Escrituras
Corrección – El punto de vista de Dios