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Shimano vs Sram comparison chart
What comparison chart do you think is more accurate when comparing Shimano to Sram. For example is Deore a direct comparison to X5 or X7? Or is X9 a
La importancia del ajuste del sillín
Primero que todo debes escoger un sillín adecuado a tu anatomía, luego, deberás preocuparte de su correcta instalación y ajustes. Así podrás disfrutar de un viaje cómodo y sin molestias. El sillín se relaciona directamente con los genitales, una mal...
estacionamiento de bicicletas
estacionamiento de bicicletas medidas - Buscar con Google
Saddle Comfort for Cyclists: The Best Bicycle Touring Seats -
Is your saddle comfortable? Over the years, I’ve experimented with, sold and met people with all kinds of different saddles. Unfortunately there is no ‘go-to’ saddle because we all have different riding positions, different levels of flexibility and variations in our sit bone widths. All of these factors rule out a wonder-saddle that we can just pull …