Design / Packaging / Logo / Branding

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2y is for sale!
NASA LANDING PAGE National Aeronautics and Space Administration is Space related Institute. Keeping this in Mind the Website is designed intelligently. This Website is Giving Space like Effect with Reality. That’s why This included in the list of Best Designs.
Moon Forest Logo
살짝 촌스럽기는한데 로고만들때 아이디어가 생각날거 같음!!!! 하하하하 / suna
ByHands - Flower Store HTML Template
ByHands is a wonderful 3in1 responsive #HTML bootstrap template for #flower #shop eCommerce websites download now➩
Baugasm - 365 Posters - Vasjen Katro
Design a poster every day for 1 year. The first years has finished after publishing successfully every day a poster in Instagram @baugasm Now you can check in instagram the second year.
Pack gratuito de 20 backgrounds geométricos
Pack gratuito de veinte backgrounds gemoétricos o poligonales perfectos para trabajar en todo tipo de proyectos.