Plantas y Jardines

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Mini Garden Pond Set Up ⛲️🪷
Mini Garden Pond Set Up ⛲️🪷 One of the problems I couldn’t find a solution to was sealing the inside of the first pot. There’s things like flex seal or gorilla waterproof spray, but they wouldn’t be safe for fish so I decided on a pond liner. Most traditional ponds pull the pond liner over the edge and place rocks around the perimeter to keep the pond liner from slipping back in. Since my pot is raised, I decided to place a second terracotta pot (which is known to be fish safe) over it to keep a waterproof barrier between two pots. Once the container filled with rain from the storm, I placed pea gravel at the bottom, flagstone to help as a step for garden visitors to get out, a solar fountain to keep the water moving, and various aquatic plants ☘️. The larger ones are dwarf umbrella pa
Strings of Pearls | Indoor Plants Propagation | Plant Hacks
Looking to propagate your String of Pearls? Simply plant the cuttings straight into soil and keep it a bit more moist than usual to encourage rooting. This method works great for succulents, as well as other easy rooting plants like tradescantia and pothos. 📷️: plants_itsavibe on IG