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7 Best Exercises for SI Joint Pain (Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction)
Reduce pain around the lower back and pelvis with this SI joint pain relief routine. These simple exercises are designed to strengthen and stabilize all the muscles surrounding the hips - reducing the amount of shifting and inflammation within the SI (sacroiliac) joint. Get relief at home with this guided stretch and strengthening routine.
30-Minute Cardio and Mobility Workout (Shred)
Build strong, defined abs with this effective core training with dumbbells routine. Dynamic dumbbell core exercises will strengthen and stabilize your core from all angles. These core training exercises with dumbbells build strength for the movements you do in daily life, such as pivots, twists, bends, rotations and presses.
7-Minute Upper Ab Workout (No Repeats!)
Target the upper abs with this fun and effective no equipment workout: the BEST upper ab exercises! The upper abs are the most visible part of the rectus abdominis, or the "six-pack" muscles in the abs! Follow along
30-Minute Full Body Shred (Leg-Focus)
Build strength at home with this full body and leg day workout routine. This leg-focused full body workout combines the best leg day exercises with compound full body movements to increase metabolism, burn more calories, and allow you to lift heavier weights. This full body leg workout starts with a rep-based challenge, allowing you to move at your pace and max out your weights.
40-Minute Full Body HIIT Workout (SHRED)
Build strength, burn calories and boost your mood with this full body dumbbell HIIT workout at home. Twelve dumbbell HIIT exercises will push our heart rates into the fat-burning zone, while also building strength and muscle definition. This effective format both builds strength and burns calories at home, using just a set of dumbbells.
10-Minute FULL BODY HIIT Workout for Beginners (No Jumping)
Challenge your strength and endurance while protecting your joints with this low impact HIIT workout at home. Today's full body workout is performed entirely from a standing position and requires no equipment, no jumping and no repeats - keeping you motivated and engaged throughout the entire session. Naturally boost your energy levels, burn calories and get fit at home with this beginner HIIT workout.
30-Minute Quad and Glute Workout (Dumbbells)
Build strong legs at home with this quad and glute workout. This workout takes classic dumbbell leg exercises and increases the time under tension to build strength and burn more calories. Strong glutes and quads are essential for overall lower body strength and functional movements, such as walking, running and jumping.
30-Minute Muscle Building Workout (At Home, Dumbbells)
Build total body strength and challenge your endurance with this muscle building workout. Seven compound, dumbbell strength training exercises target multiple muscle groups at once, making this full body workout routine challenging and efficient.
30-Minute LISS Cardio Workout (Steps and Strength!)
Get your heart pumping, build muscle and burn calories at home with this "strength and steps" LISS cardio workout! LISS (low-intensity steady-state) training is an accessible and joint-friendly way to get fit at home. This all-standing workout is a great way to get your daily steps in as well - I personally got over 2,000 steps during today's workout.
10 Minute Upper Body Workout for Women (VIDEO)
Get strong, toned arms with this 10-Minute UPPER BODY WORKOUT FOR WOMEN! These 5 upper body exercises target the chest, biceps, triceps and shoulders. All you need is a set of dumbbells to complete this home workout for toned arms. The goal is to build upper body strength and toned arms using a set of dumbbells to complete these five upper body exercises.
Full Body Dumbbell Workout (Beginner Routine)
Today’s workout is performed in a fun EMOM (every minute on the minute) format. This is one of my favorite ways to encourage progressive overload at home – you work at your pace, resting for the remainder of the minute after completing the specified reps.
REALISTIC Workout Plan (For The Holidays!)
Here’s your reminder that if your workout plan doesn’t work for YOU...it isn’t your workout plan. We design our programs to be ~5 days/week (you choose your rest days!) so you can shift workouts around to fit your schedule...but here’s your reminder it’s totally okay to go to 3-4 workouts a week if that allows you to be more consistent (and ENJOY the holiday season!).
Dumbbell Arm Workout for Women (Strength Training)
Build strength, definition and muscle tone in the upper body with this dumbbell workout routine: the 7 best dumbbell arm exercises. We love this strict-set format for pushing each muscle group to fatigue, resulting in muscle growth. This is a complete upper body workout, targeting the biceps, triceps, back, chest and shoulders in under 30 minutes.
30-Minute Leg Workout for Bad Knees (No Jumping/Lunges) | Nourish Move Love
Build lower body strength while protecting your joints with this low-impact Leg Workout for Bad Knees! Sculpt and strengthen the entire lower body while protecting the knee joints. These are the best knee-friendly leg exercises to target the quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves and thighs without causing knee pain or irritation. This low impact strength workout doesn't include any lunges or jumping.
8 Exercises That Are BETTER Than Kegels!
This diastasis recti workout is great for beginners, and you can do it at any point after giving birth, no matter how long ago it was. These gentle ab exercises will help you rebuild your deep core strength, decrease abdominal separation, and support a stronger core, pelvic floor, and lower back!