
315 Pins
Pose que relaja la mente y promueve una mejor digestión. | Ejercicios de elasticidad, Ejercicios de yoga, Rutina de yoga
The Best Fitness Gifts for Women that are Actually Useful
Unlock Your Hip Flexors
#JasmineYogaTutorial: #FireCrow A hybrid armbalance which I find easier to balance it than both of its parent poses. 🤔 Here are some tips to help you get into the pose: 1) Warm up your hamstrings with standing forward folds for a good 3-5 minutes 2) A few rounds of Navasana to warm up your core 3) Child's pose to compress hip flexors. 4) When it comes to the final lift off, instead of hipping to lift your bottom toes off, try reaching forward with your front foot and point your toes s...
See this Instagram photo by @catvaladezyoga • 1,995 likes
Asanas - Posturas de Yoga para Equilibrar los Chakras.
27 Ways To Relax In Less Than Five Minutes
27 ways to relax in just minutes! Use these tips anywhere & find your zen.
Yoga Sequences Archives | Jason Crandell Vinyasa Yoga Method
Parsva_Bakasana_Sequence - Jason Crandell
Yoga for Immune System | Jason Crandell Vinyasa Yoga Method
This immune boosting yoga sequence will help you relax, reduce stress, and increase circulation, which are essential ways yoga can support your immune system.
Try this quick and focused workout to tone the lower part of your abs and work off the pooch. We concentrate on the abs for five minutes and guarantee you feel the burn. You don't need any equipment, but don't forget to breathe! #abs #sixpack #flatstomach #flatbelly #coreworkout #abworkout #sixpackworkout #bellyfat #muffintop #lowerabs