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how to do macrame how to macrame for beginners how to make macrame macrame how to how to macrame
Super easy looped wrapping
Loving this new stitch that is super easy and so full of texture. Give it a go!!
New stitch from baskestry weaving
It took me a few days to work out a way to apply this baskestry weaving stitch into loom weaving. I really like the outcome! Hopefully you will like it too
Easy pattern, full of texture
This is again very easy stitch, just choose an odd number of strings and a thick yarn or cotton rope for great contrast
capa con aplicaciones
capa con aplicaciones en flamé de lana y lana hilada a mano, broche incluido
2° CLASE DE TELAR: cálculo para la urdimbre
2° CLASE DE TELAR: cálculo para la urdimbre
2° CLASE DE TELAR: cálculo para la urdimbre
2° CLASE DE TELAR: cálculo para la urdimbre
1° CLASE DE TELAR: antes de empezar a tejer
1° CLASE DE TELAR: antes de empezar a tejer