
12 Pins
How Lovely... It is National Chocolate Eclair Day!
Eclair cake- Vegan Pate a Choux (saving for something later)!
April Kitchen Challenge Results: Eclairs | Love and Olive Oil
Homemade Eclairs with Pastry Cream Filling from @Lindsay Landis | Love and Olive Oil
Easter cakes from master chefs Eric Lanlard, Claire Clark and John Torode
Springtime Eclairs Recipe
Maitre Choux is the world’s first choux pastry specialist
MAITRE CHOUX - specialist Choux Pastry patisserie located in London's South Kensington baking Eclairs, Choux and Chouquettes. Chef: Joakim Prat.
Pastry Trends
P odría decir que mis días transcurren entre tortas, cupcakes, postres y más postres! Y vaya que lo disfruto mucho. Siempre que puedo busc...