
151 Pins
Magnolia soulangiana Alba photo at Pictures of Plants stock image library
Magnolia x soulangiana 'Alba' (Magnolia denudata x Magnolia liliiflora), a large-growing, early-blooming, white-flowered cultivar. It is distinct from the cultivar -Lennei Alba- and predates it.
Magnolia soulangeana Rustica: conteneur rond carré de 5 L, Truffaut - Jardinerie TRUFFAUT
Magnolia soulangeana Rustica : conteneur rond carré de 5 L
Saga Magazine | Gardens | Saga
Yellow magnolia 'Goldfinch'. Den här är nog min favorit, tror jag.
VERY glad that I bought these Amaryllis a few weeks back because they’re basically the only holiday decorating I’m going to enjoy, thanks…
Magnolia x soulangeana - saucer magnolia (112345)